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Book Review: The Art of Noticing—131 Ways to Spark Creativity, Find Inspiration, and Discover Joy in the Everyday by Rob Walker


Bookstores are hard to resist for me as I enjoy reading titles of books to see if any of them intrigue me enough to want to take one home. I tend to be a bit of a self-improvement nerd, so the title of this book made me think about my short attention span in what is a fast-paced work environment for most of us. How does one slow down and take notice? In fact, how does one gain or….

The Coronavirus ….. A Cruel Awakening Scream

The Scream Photo short

March 2020 will be remembered as a time of bewilderness, uncertainty, unstableness, overwhelmed, and helplessness as we globally experience what a pandemic is like. Our lives, our children, and our history will forever be shaped by what will be happening over the remaining year. For many, it will be a lost year of dreams, bucket list goals, year-end….