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Van Gogh, A True Immersive Post Pandemic Escape


Recently, I attended the Van Gogh: Immersive Experience in New York City and found it to be the best post-pandemic escapism that I wholeheartedly recommend. I am careful not to call this an exhibition since it is not.  So what is it you ask?  A sensory stimulation that is high-tech, educational, and super enjoyable. It combines the best of a prolific artist’s works, in this case Vincent Van Gogh, with an explosion of projected lights, colorful images and a VR (Virtual Reality) experience along with music from a surround sound system similar to an IMAX theater.

The Artist Abraham Cruzvillegas and his Latest Exhibition at the Bass Museum

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In recent trip to Miami for a business meeting held at the Bass Museum I came across a rather unique exhibition from the Mexican Artist Abraham Cruzvillegas that provoked in me a desire to know more about this artist and the concept of “auto construcción”comprising of 80 pieces of recycled everyday painted objects practically floating in the air. This exhibition is part of a series of installations by Cruzvillegas on the  concept of “AutoConstruccion” that reflect the conditions of his modest upbringing  in Mexico and how it defines human nature and its impact on the environment. 

Book Review: The Art of Noticing—131 Ways to Spark Creativity, Find Inspiration, and Discover Joy in the Everyday by Rob Walker


Bookstores are hard to resist for me as I enjoy reading titles of books to see if any of them intrigue me enough to want to take one home. I tend to be a bit of a self-improvement nerd, so the title of this book made me think about my short attention span in what is a fast-paced work environment for most of us. How does one slow down and take notice? In fact, how does one gain or….

The Coronavirus ….. A Cruel Awakening Scream

The Scream Photo short

March 2020 will be remembered as a time of bewilderness, uncertainty, unstableness, overwhelmed, and helplessness as we globally experience what a pandemic is like. Our lives, our children, and our history will forever be shaped by what will be happening over the remaining year. For many, it will be a lost year of dreams, bucket list goals, year-end….