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Best Podcasts to Listen to this Summer

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Podcasts are the new thing to binge on. They are the perfect companion for your next long ride, plane trip, daily walks or running trails. I discovered podcasts as an alternative to channel surfing and to embellish my daily walks, thanks to COVID. Just one minor problem to contend with…there are thousands of podcasts to choose from and never enough time to listen to those on your playlist. As summer approaches there are more opportunities to be outdoors as restrictions are lifted. It safe to assume that many of us plan to getaway so why not try adding podcasts to your daily or weekly routine and travels?

A Podcast Review: Obama and The Boss


Podcasts have become a recent wave for listening to conversations on just about anything. No surprise to learn that these two iconic personalities, former President Obama and Bruce Springsteen (the Boss), would engage in this new venture with a little help from Spotify and their genuine friendship. These are two people that I truly admire, and so not listening was never an option. Putting aside whatever your politics are, I found their dialogue, insights, and the ride down memory lane super entertaining. If you are a Boomer, it will definitely resonate with you, if not, it becomes a lens to view contemporary history, worthy of your time. Here is what I most enjoyed about the podcast….

Looking Back at 2020…What’s Next?

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Looking back,  I can’t remember a more turbulent and fearful time as this year has been.   You would have to be at least 115  years old to remember a worse time than 2020, whether it’s the 1918 Spanish flu, the 1940 great depression, or the fighting and rationing held during the two world wars.
What an incredible year … It seems so extraordinary as to seem impossible…..

A World Without Elephants…and We Only have Ourselves to Blame

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I recently came across a quote that both horrify and sadden me.  The quote was by Sir David Attenborough, a naturalist and well-known BBC broadcaster and environmentalist, which states the following “The question is are we happy to suppose that our children may never see an elephant except in a picture book?” Pretty devastating when you think of how much destruction we as human beings continue to extract on this planet…

Lawn Signs … a Form of Protest or Self-Expression

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Americans just love their lawns, and COVID has certainly made folks “lawn care crazy” striving for that perfect lawn that is so much part of a suburban lifestyle. However, throughout the summer, there’s been a growing number of lawn signs protesting the hate and divisiveness we see in our politics, social media, and cable news.

Book Review: White Fragility …Why it’s so Hard for White People to Talk about Racism by Robin DiAngelo…a book for today’s social justice movement.

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I do not recall during my college years or the early part of my professional career hearing much about structural or systemic racism, but that was 40+years ago. It is fair to say that the last 10-15 years this topic has been gradually surfacing in different manifestations best demonstrated by the Black Lives Matter movement reaching an unparalleled global impact brought on by the cruel lynching death of George Floyd.

The Cardboard Placard: An Evolved Art Form For Protesting

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After ten days of witnessing a massive global reaction to George Floyd’s killing and realizing that the pandemic is no longer dominating the headlines, I wanted to experience or partake in some small and safe way in this extraordinary call for action.   On a sunny Sunday morning, I  checked the local New York news to see what was happening in the city that I may want to photograph. There was to be a Meditation Protest at the Brooklyn’s  Fort Green Park at 10 am that …

The Coronavirus ….. A Cruel Awakening Scream

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March 2020 will be remembered as a time of bewilderness, uncertainty, unstableness, overwhelmed, and helplessness as we globally experience what a pandemic is like. Our lives, our children, and our history will forever be shaped by what will be happening over the remaining year. For many, it will be a lost year of dreams, bucket list goals, year-end….