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Book Review: White Fragility …Why it’s so Hard for White People to Talk about Racism by Robin DiAngelo…a book for today’s social justice movement.

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I do not recall during my college years or the early part of my professional career hearing much about structural or systemic racism, but that was 40+years ago. It is fair to say that the last 10-15 years this topic has been gradually surfacing in different manifestations best demonstrated by the Black Lives Matter movement reaching an unparalleled global impact brought on by the cruel lynching death of George Floyd.


Empowerment 1

The Month of  March celebrates all that is good about being a woman and the many contributions we have made even as society’s systemic barriers try to keep us down. This is especially true of women of color who truly are trailblazers in breaking that glass ceiling.  Shout out to Vice President Kamala Harris for doing just that. One more glass ceiling to go and this country will be all the better for it.  Happy to re-post this article in celebration of Women’s History Month.

Book Review: The Art of Noticing—131 Ways to Spark Creativity, Find Inspiration, and Discover Joy in the Everyday by Rob Walker


Bookstores are hard to resist for me as I enjoy reading titles of books to see if any of them intrigue me enough to want to take one home. I tend to be a bit of a self-improvement nerd, so the title of this book made me think about my short attention span in what is a fast-paced work environment for most of us. How does one slow down and take notice? In fact, how does one gain or….