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Miami: Seaplanes, Rising Sea Levels and a Booming Real Estate Market

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During my last trip to Miami before the recent peaks in COVID cases,  I took a flight on a seaplane with a couple of friends to explore the wonders of Miami’s spectacular coastline.  Emerald waters with sandy beaches and luxury high rises side by side offers the most captivating panorama landscape that will fill your eyes. The wow factor of taking off from the water into the sky where you can still smell the ocean as you are climbing up towards the clouds is indescribable.  My memories and photos will have me yearn to do this again…..

Exploring One’s Own Backyard…. at the Cape May Shore

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If you are living in New Jersey, a significant portion of the state’s boundaries are touched by the Atlantic Ocean, where one can quickly arrive at the closest shore within an hour’s reach. The only issue is that the New Jersey coast is just not that attractive….  long strips of sandy beaches with not so blue waters.  There are several coastal communities that have a wonderful historic vibe or scenery worthy of visiting throughout most of the year (Atlantic City is not one of them unless you like to gamble). One that I love is the historic town of Cape May….

Lawn Signs … a Form of Protest or Self-Expression

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Americans just love their lawns, and COVID has certainly made folks “lawn care crazy” striving for that perfect lawn that is so much part of a suburban lifestyle. However, throughout the summer, there’s been a growing number of lawn signs protesting the hate and divisiveness we see in our politics, social media, and cable news.

Jean-Michel Basquiat….An Artist for Today’s Uncertain Times

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In the spring of 2019, I obtained tickets for the Brant Foundation’s opening of its new space in East Village NY with an inaugural exhibition of Jean-Michel Basquiat works. The Peter Brant Foundation is part of this growing number of “private collection museums” by billionaires who are given huge tax breaks for” sharing” with the public their art collections but under limited terms set by the owners (another tax scam favoring the elite).

The Cardboard Placard: An Evolved Art Form For Protesting

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After ten days of witnessing a massive global reaction to George Floyd’s killing and realizing that the pandemic is no longer dominating the headlines, I wanted to experience or partake in some small and safe way in this extraordinary call for action.   On a sunny Sunday morning, I  checked the local New York news to see what was happening in the city that I may want to photograph. There was to be a Meditation Protest at the Brooklyn’s  Fort Green Park at 10 am that …

NYC: An All-Mighty Powerful City in Quarantined

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In April 2020, after 30 days of being quarantined, I was no longer able to resist my curiosity to stroll though NYC’s main attractions to see for myself the desolation of such a powerful city. A 35-minute ride into the city’s main artery —Time Square, where huge colorful LEDs billboards reign and theater dominates, one can immediately see the desolation of a city known…..